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ASTR 132N - Stars, Galaxies, and the Universe. 3 Credits.
Offered spring. Prereq., high school algebra and geometry. An introduction to stars, stellar evolution, galaxies, and cosmology. Students will have a chance to visit UM?s state-of-the-art planetarium and observe with our 0.4 meter telescope.
Gen Ed Attributes: Natural Science Course (N)
Biology B.A. - Teacher Preparation General Science Broadfield
Individuals interested in teaching in K-12 schools must complete a degree in the content area they want to teach plus the Teacher Education Program through the Department of Teaching and Learning. Individuals must complete the teaching track within that degree program, which may contain different course requirements than the non-teaching track since the sequence of courses is designed to meet state standards. Upon completion of the degree program with the teaching track and the secondary licensure program, one will be eligible for a standard Montana teaching license in this content area.